TA Labs and Office Hours

TA Lab Sections

Lab Day and TimeSectionLab TA
Mon: 01:00PM - 02:50PMAYACharlotte
Mon : 03:00PM - 04:50PMAYBCharlotte
Tue: 09:00AM - 10:50AMAYDQilong
Tue: 11:00AM - 12:50PMAYELiia
Tue: 01:00PM - 02:50PMAYFCasey
Tue: 03:00PM - 04:50PMAYGRittik
Wed: 01:00PM - 02:50PMAYHHardik
Wed: 03:00PM - 04:50PMAYICasey
Thu: 09:00AM - 10:50AMAYKWei
Thu: 11:00AM - 12:50PMAYLQilong
Thu: 03:00PM - 04:50PMAYNWei
Fri: 09:00AM - 10:50AMAYPRittik
Fri: 11:00AM - 12:50PMAYQHardik
Fri: 01:00PM - 02:50PMAYRLiia

TA Office Hours and Contact Info

See the pinned campuswire post for the up to date list.