
Assignments and Exams

All assessments will be given via Prairielearn. The due dates recorded there are to be considered the single source of truth.

Reading Assessments

Every lesson / reading has a small assessment to go with it to help you practice the material. The intent is that you do this at the same time you do the reading.

Reading assessments are opened the day of the corresponding lecture and due one week later.

  • E.g., on the 10th of the month we release the reading assessment, it will be due the 17th at 23:59.999


Homeworks are released every Wednesday.

  • Homeworks are due two weeks. So a homework released on the 10th will be due on the 24th at 23:59.999


As part of this course you have a lab session. The lab work must be completed in person. If you miss the lab, use the lab makeup form listed on the syllabus to make up the lab the following week.


There are three midterm exams which will be proctored by the CBTF and scheduled via Prairietest.

Extensions and missing work

We have an extension request form to ask for an extension. We do not require that you give a reason for needing an extension, but there are some rules:

  • You must request the extension before the assessment is due. A late extension request may not be honored.
  • The new due date will be one week later.